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Just Settled By Andrew

When You Need An Expert Mortgage Broker In Sydney
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5 Star Review Second Investment Property

What Do Our Beautiful Clients Say About Maria?
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The Facts About Pre Approvals

What you Need to Know About Loan Pre Approvals
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Feel Good Friday A Sense Of Awe

Can we make our own awe and use it to our advantage?
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The Common Questions We Are Asked

Find out the answers to the three top questions asked of a Mortgage Broker!
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Close To Transport

Sydney's Public Transport Options
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Best Way To Bank Is Broker

The Best Way To Bank is Broker
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New 5 Star Review Polite Prompt

Being Of Service Is Our Purpose
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What Are Interest Only Home Loans?

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Green Home Loans

What are Green Home Loans?
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Housing Demand Makes Prices Move

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Happy Birthday Victor!

We Celebrate Victor's Birthday in Style
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Licenced and Accredited Professionals

Deal with a Professional and Licenced Broker
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Another Beautiful Client Review For Victor

What a Review for Victor!
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Price Guide Versus Sale Price

Can you Pick the Sale Price from a Price Guide?
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Moving Day Painting Day!

What is the first thing you do when you buy your first home? Paint it!
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Maria's Birthday

When we celebrate Maria's Birthday
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Equity How To Use It

Some Ways To Use Equity!
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Some Ideas To Help First Home Buyers

Some Good Ideas To Help First Home Buyers?
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5 Star Review Andrew Mortgage Broker

What do clients say about Andrew?
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Spending By Age Groups

Does it feel like your spending is decreasing or increasing - uncover the truth!
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Friday Finance Funny Joke

Why should you only borrow money from a pessimist?
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Guarantor or Gift Loans

What are some of the ways parents can help children into property?
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Home Loan With A New Job

If you have a new job, can you still get a home loan approved?
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First Home Across Road From Beach!

Brand New First Home Across From The Beach!
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5 Star Review Great Advice

Another 5 Star Google Review - this time from Jo!
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Australian Spending Indicator Data

What is the latest on Australians Spending?
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Smart Kid Wants Shares For Birthday

A Smart Kid Wants Shares For Their Birthday
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Sponsoring FARE in City 2 Surf

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Fixed Or Variable Rates

Are people taking Fixed Rate or Variable Rate loans in 2024?
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New Year New Goals

New Year New Goals Review Everything
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5 Star Review Communication

What Penny Said!
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Friday Funny Finance Joke

Why did the business owner throw all their money in the river?
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Just Settled!

First Home Buyer Success
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Income Versus House Prices

We coach home buyers to help get into the market
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Roger Federer

Roger Federer has only won 54% of points in his career
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Debt Recycling

What exactly is Debt Recycling (from a professional)
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Google Review Sarah Impossible Possible

We made the Impossible, Possible.
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RBA Announcement Today

The Reserve Bank of Australia will today Announce their June Cash Rate Decision
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What Looks Like Skill

One of the most practical life skills that no one talks about is turning discipline into consistency. Discipline will only take you so far.
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May 2024 Truly Finance Charity Donations

Our First Charity Donations from May 2024
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Tax Cuts Coming Soon July 2024

Coming Soon - Income Tax Cuts!
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New Clients Welcome - Why Work With Us

Why Do Clients Work With Us?
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5 Star Google Review Matt Professional Service Results

5 Star Review From Matt - Professional Results High Standard!
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Kings Birthday Public Holiday Office Closed

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How To Calculate Interest On Home Loan

EXAMPLE! How to work out interest on your home loan!
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Mortgage Prisoner?

What to do if you're a Mortgage Prisoner
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Borrowing Power - It Changes Constantly

Calculate Your Borrowing Power
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5 Star Google Review Magic Restructure

🪄MAGIC RESTRUCTURE = This lovely (now also happy) young couple needed their loans restructured
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Commercial Loan Special May 2024

Special Limited Offer on Commercial Property Loans!
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Buyers Agent Best Broker 5 Star Review

5 Star Google Review from a National Buyers Agent!
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Basic Loan or Package Loan?

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Start & Grow!

Is the First Home the Last Home? Probably not 🏠🌴
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Disposable Income Drop

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In The Media

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Just Settled 3rd Investment

CONGRATULATIONS to our client on settling his 3rd Investment Property purchase this year! Absolutely getting it done!
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Latest Books We've Read

Doing holiday reading???
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