Is the First Home the Last Home? Probably not 🏠🌴

We often have a discussion with our beautiful First Home Buyer clients about expectations early in their journey.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Our Truly Finance families started off in smaller apartments, or renting for many years, saving a deposit or building equity.

⏱ Old property rule: "Time IN" the market beats "timING" the market. It's not a race!

So in summary - it's very normal to start smaller than where you think you'll ultimately end up - and grow toward it. 🌱

This cute floorplan is a recently settled First Home Buyer's new place, who'll move in, renovate over a few years (adding value) and perhaps sell and upgrade at some point. Great strategy!

Our brokerage's advice and financial services are generally complimentary. We've not charged a dollar yet. We're in this for our clients' best interests!

James Brett. Principal. Awarded Broker. 0439 591 759

Victor Simone. Mortgage & Finance Broker. 0449 659 029

Andrew O'Brien. Mortgage & Finance Broker. 0451 308 292

#startandgrow #firsthomenotlasthome #trulyfinance #finance #mortgages #homeloans #investmentloans #commercialloans #assetfinance #bestbrokers

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